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plans for new products
7-2 The productions of water based liquid soldering flux
The liquid soldering flux which used for the wave soldering and dip soldering is used most . Right now, the most useful liquid soldering flux almost use the organic solvent as the base. In the process of using and transportational process, the massive organic solvents can bring the huge potential safety hazard. At the same time, the organic solvents that dispersed into the atmosphere will increase the carrying capacity of environment, leading to serious greenhouse effect. Therefore, the water base liquid soldering flux is a product which the electronic manufacture profession needs urgently.
7-3 High temperature lead-free solder alloy development
The most challenge of the electronic manufacture products which is producted by lead-free welding is to make the solidus of Lead-free solders above 260℃. Right now, our company has been developing the hige tempreture non-tin based lead-free solder alloy system. Zn-Al-Mg based alloy and Bi based alloy primarily, which is used for high temperature lamps and lanterns as well as in chip foundation plate interconnection to solder melting point request. The preliminary test result already might control the solidus in 320℃ and about 260℃ separately, Its specific performance research also on the march.
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Address:Xingfa Road,Balitai Industrial Zone,Jinnan District,Tianjin,PR China